Monday, August 07, 2006


i am seriously a very bad blogger these days, havent been updating much recently.... but life has been rather kind to me these days, sorta....

on the 10th it wld be my one month anniversary so actually itz still the honeymoon period now la, been seeing b practically everyday, not sure whether it'd be the same today lol.. i love u b.

had some serious discussions lately, itz nice to actually think abt OUR future together instead of focusing on oneself and one's needs and wants.. he was telling me abt housing and rather relieved tt shd we have jodoh, it wouldnt be a problem...

so, as of today, things are quite fine between us. god willing, we do want to make it really official and hopefully last a lifetime...but we dont want to hope too much..there's where both of us made mistakes previously... just doa and mintak resu mak bapak aje...

we've met each other's mums... so far so good i guess... insya'allah ok la.

itz nice to finally know where we're headed instead of drifting aimlessly, not knowing where we stand, not being sure of anything.....

thank gawd for the holidays this week... yay.

i miss u beb!!!!!!! where have u disappeared to, goheadgostan?????????

because u're here for me my heart still beats.

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