Sunday, February 04, 2007


yup itz been a long time since i've updated this old blog of mine... was kinda bz with work n b.... anyway tmr i will embark on a new journey( new job la).....

nothing much happening lately, all is rather well. me n b r getting down to serious business.... the date is approaching near. how do i feel? apprehensive, sure. itz a big step for me. possible regrets? no. i love this man, he has changed my life and i do want to be with him dearly. the coming months might be a bit trying, but we believe as long as we are single-minded on this, it should be alright. i'm very happy for us.

my b is sleeping at hm as i write this, being on the night shift for this month... we dont tok to each other as much... absence makes the heart fonder, i agree.

sometimes i wonder whether i'm ready for this. but everyone has to make adjustments. i like the way my life is now, i'm happy and my r'ship with be is improving. alhamdulil'lah....

i went clubbing last friday... to celebrate yaya's bdae... i had fun yes, but i felt bad abt being there when my b was working. i dont think i'm going anymore, shall only go with my b... maybe mos next time when he's on the day shift.

itz nearing 7 months now, and almost a yr since we started getting to know each other. since then there's been many ups and downs, tears, laughter, we've had them all.

but i still say thank god i found u, my colour of love.