Thursday, October 26, 2006


wow, been abt two months since i last updated..did not have access to a pc unfortunately... i have net access but my pc's down. blardy hell..

first of all i'd like to wish all muslims out there a selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin seiklas2nya dari saya.........

as for updates on my life, nothing much, not attending sch anymore, nor studying altho the a's is abt a week away. a stubborn bitch yes i am.

as for me n ayi, alhamdulil'lah everything's gd.. had the oppurtunity to spend malam raye as well as raya kedua with him at my place....

kalau takde aral melintang insya'allah bulan 6 nanti la.

overall i am doing ok, taking things one day at a time...

i miss my frens n lepaking but these things hafta end some day anyway.......

aite tc all.... away with haze!!!!!